“‘Remember when’ instructs your audience to search their memory banks. Your follow up story creates a picture in their mind.”
How Norms Change
“The voice of authority speaks not for the one but for the many; authority figures have a strong and rapid effect on social norms in part because they change our assumptions about what other people think.”
How To Achieve One Focused Hour Of Work A Day
“Our perceptions of time are largely illusions. And one of the biggest of those illusions is the relationship between time and our ability to create value. We can do far more in a far shorter about of time than we think.”
How Online Dating Is Changing Society
“Research into the strength of marriage has found some evidence that married couples who meet online have lower rates of marital breakup than those who meet traditionally.”
A 5-Week Plan To Start A Side Hustle On Your Lunch Break
“Whatever you do, don’t just set up a side gig that amounts to a part-time job. The key is to create an asset that will work for you. It takes less time than you probably think.”
Why The Creator Of Facebook’s Like Button Has Stopped Using It
“It is very common for humans to develop things with the best of intentions and for them to have unintended, negative consequences.”
The 3 Minutes It Takes To Read This Will Simplify Your Work Forever
No matter what kind of work you do, the following will help you focus and simplify how you do it.
10 Ideas For The Interested This Week
“What I do is make the big things small and the small things big.” — Larry David
Warren Buffett’s “Two Lists” Strategy To Master Focus
“Getting rid of wasteful items and decisions is relatively easy. It’s eliminating things you care about that is difficult. The tasks that have the greatest likelihood of derailing your progress are the ones you care about, but that aren’t truly important.”
12 Questions That Will Change Your Life
“Am I doing my job? It’s important to remember that we can be very busy — exhaustingly busy — and still not be doing our job. We can be caught up in the things that don’t matter, we can be interfering and encroaching on someone else’s job, we can be just plain procrastinating. All these things keep us working — but not on the job that actually matters.”