“Louie manages to write to his fans in a way that seems far more personal than the marketing messages that promote other entertainers in his class. The genius of his approach is that he’s using email the way a politician does — a mock-personalized approach to reach and influence a huge mass audience — only he does it with a level of credibility and authenticity that politicians never quite capture.”
Look Outside Your Industry To Find Inspiration
“Figure out what objects and places inspire you and immerse yourself in them. Pay attention to those details. Then, instead of imitating competitors, you just might find your voice.”
The Most Successful Kids Have Parents Who Do These Nine Things
“Let them fail. Children who have experienced defeat will build resilience and be more willing to attempt difficult tasks and activities because they are not afraid to fail.”
20 Secrets To Getting More People To See Your Facebook Posts
“A big piece of the organic reach puzzle is competition. You have to fight for the attention of your audience. Want to know the best way to always be ahead of your competitors? Find your differentiating factor and flaunt it. Both your visual and written content should stand out.”
How Digital Advertising Spun Out Of Control
“Facebook and Google’s advertising infrastructure is one of humanity’s most marvelous creations. It’s also one of its most terrifying, because, in truth, pretty much no one really understands how it works.”
Does Finding Your Dream Job Really Matter?
“There’s a lot of pressure in life to not only know what your dream job is, but to also succeed at doing it.”
10 Ideas For The Interested This Week
“Serendipity always rewards the prepared.” — Katori Hall
How To Make Your Next Blog Post Better
At the end of this post, I’ll show you how it began.
I can do that because before I decided to write it, I asked myself eight simple questions.
The answers to these questions clarify what my post will become, why I’m writing it, and who I want to read it.
I recommend you do the same for your next post because it helps you (and your readers) get more value out of what you write.
Here are the questions:
How To Get 1% Better Every Day
“If you were able to improve by one percent each day for an entire year and those gains compound, you would wind up 37 times better at the end of the year. Everybody wants a radical improvement and rapid success, but we fail to realize that small habits and little choices are transforming us every day already.”
You’re Fun And Creative, So Why Is Your Brand So Dull?
“Usually the brands that try to be professional are plain boring. The fact that something is not traditionally accepted doesn’t mean it’s not professional. If anything, trends are moving towards genuine connection, human-to-human marketing, and brands full of personality.”