
How To Write Emails Like Louis CK

“Louie manages to write to his fans in a way that seems far more personal than the marketing messages that promote other entertainers in his class. The genius of his approach is that he’s using email the way a politician does — a mock-personalized approach to reach and influence a huge mass audience — only he does it with a level of credibility and authenticity that politicians never quite capture.”

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How To Make Your Next Blog Post Better

At the end of this post, I’ll show you how it began.

I can do that because before I decided to write it, I asked myself eight simple questions.

The answers to these questions clarify what my post will become, why I’m writing it, and who I want to read it.

I recommend you do the same for your next post because it helps you (and your readers) get more value out of what you write.

Here are the questions:

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