Writers write.
We tell stories.
Cloak questions in characters and reveal solutions in narratives.
Writers have something to say.
But we write even when we don’t know what that something is.
Because writers know the best way to figure out what we have to say is to write.
Writers are explorers.
We know where our words come from.
But don’t always know how to find them.
Writers are messengers.
We know our words will be interpreted differently by different people.
We know what separates us from non-writers is nothing other than a willingness to write.
Writers are complicated.
We don’t do it for the money. But we also don’t do it for no money.
Some struggle to call themselves writers, but others are too comfortable calling themselves writers.
Writers are inventors.
We see infinite possibilities for the meaning of a word and refuse to be bound by definitions.
We’re mathematicians, scientists, and translators.
Writers are powerful.
We play with time. Turn past and future into present, and present into future and past.
Writers define our world. Start, win, and define wars.
Writers notice.
We listen.
Hear what others don’t. Feel what others won’t. And see what others miss.
Writers are Interested.
We write to figure out who we are.
And to fool you into thinking we’re someone else.
Writers aren’t perfect.
We wouldn’t want to be.
We know perfect isn’t interesting.
Writers write.
It’s what we do.
And we’re all better for it.