
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

I didn’t read a single book from when I was 12 until well into my thirties.

This year, I’ve read 13.

It’s a simple reminder who you were doesn’t have to be who you are.

(By the way, you can see the list of books I read and my top five recommendations by subscribing to This Is How I Do It.)

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. 40 One-Sentence Communication Tips

“The main character in any story is the person you tell it to.”

It’s so easy to be misunderstood.

I put together a list of 40 one-sentence communication tips to help you write, speak, and express your ideas more clearly.

They include suggestions about how to handle arguments, say things people will remember, and what it takes to capture someone’s attention.

Related: 40 one-sentence writing tips.

2. How To Use An Attention Calendar To Change An Unwanted Habit

“Our attention follows our intention.”

I can’t wait to try this out.

Amogh Pant explains how to change an unwanted habit by simply spending less than two minutes each day for a month tracking the habit you want to change.

He tried this approach and it led him to reduce his phone usage from 300 minutes a day down to about 60 minutes a day in a month.

Related: How I stopped checking my phone and started using it with intention.

3. The 200-Word Approach To Blogging

“Make the first sentence or the last sentence of your post the headline.”

What if you only wrote blog posts you knew were going to be successful?

That may actually be possible if you adopt Tim Denning’s 200-word approach to blogging which involves publishing mini-blog posts on his social channels as a way to test ideas and then only expanding the ones that perform well into longer posts on his blog.

Related: How to come up with a great idea for your next blog post.

4. Embrace Minimum Viable Creativity

“The goal is not to produce low-quality work, but only at the quality needed to get progress started and get the feedback you need to turn good into great.”

This one might help you break that pesky perfectionism that holds you back.

Ryan Mulholland suggests you embrace minimum viable creativity, an approach to creative work that mirrors the minimum viable product approach that’s become so popular in the business world.

He then suggests doing so can result in quicker production, better feedback, and the ability to test concepts before going all-in on them.

Related: Five reasons to embrace your imperfections.

5. Six Lessons From Producing 100 Podcast Episodes

“Over the long term, the #1 driver of your podcast’s success is episode frequency.”

Simon Owens produces a great podcast called The Business of Content and he’s learned a lot in the course of building the show.

He shares six lessons he’s learned from producing 100 podcast episodes including to adapt your episode for the web, include a call for guests in the show itself, and always conduct a pre-interview.

Related: My appearance on the Business of Content podcast.

This Is How I Get Things Done Each Day

I put together an eight-page PDF that reveals the system I use each day to manage my To Do list, identify my most important work, and get things done.

Get This Is How I Get Things Done Each Day for a behind-the-scenes look at the free app I use to manage my workflow, the five-minute routine I employ every morning to optimize my day, how my approach amplifies motivation and combats procrastination, and more.

Or, subscribe to This Is How I Do It for access to my complete library of resources to help you grow your audience and business.

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My Final Words Of The Week

In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal for the creation of the World Wide Web.

You can read his concluding statement here.

His manager called the proposal “vague, but exciting.”

Have a great week!


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