
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

A packed calendar isn’t a sign of success.

A full inbox doesn’t mean you’re important.

A ding on your phone doesn’t mean something warrants your attention.

Busy is overrated.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. 40 One-Sentence Productivity Tips

“Self-doubt doubles the time it takes to get something done.”

It doesn’t matter how much you get done — it matters what you get done.

In this post I share 40 one-sentence productivity tips based on lessons I’ve learned over the years including ways to make the most of your time, effort, and resources.

Related: This is how I get things done each day.

2. 21 Ways To Grow Your Newsletter

“Stop showing every single website visitor the same signup form and message.”

As the newsletter boom continues to expand, so do the tactics creators can use to get more subscribers.

Louis Nicholls breaks down 21 ways to grow your newsletter including clever ways to reduce unsubscribes, repurpose content, and implement a referral program.

There’s even an example in the article of how I’ve grown mine!

Related: My five-day plan to grow your newsletter.

3. 12 Ways To Instantly Show Your Value

“Increase desire, don’t just decrease friction.”

This will help you better communicate the value of your work, products, and even yourself.

Wes Kao suggests 12 ways to instantly show value including to aim for “no brainer” status, avoid backstory scope creep, and focus on what your customer wants to hear about as opposed to what you want to talk about.

Related: Four ways to think bigger when promoting your creations.

4. How To Coin Terms That Make Your Creations More Successful

“How can I have a phrase that I can repeat a thousand times that people aren’t going to get tired of?”

The words you use to succinctly describe your ideas and creations can make or break their success.

In this 42-minute video, David Perell and Jack Butcher discuss how to coin terms that make your creations more successful and share the process they used to come up with terms that resonated with their audiences like “Personal Monopoly” and “Build Once, Sell Twice.”

Related: 40 one-sentence marketing tips.

5. 10 Steps To Build A Money-Making Blog

“You have to go where the people are today, and then do something to get their attention.”

What it takes to have a successful blog today is different than what it used to require.

Yaro Starak shares 10 steps to build a money-making blog including to refer to research and authority sources in your articles, build micro-communities around your content, and focus your social media activity on a single platform.

Related: How to come up with a great idea for your next blog post.

This Is How I Outline Blog Posts

I put together a six-page PDF that reveals the process I use to write my weekly blog posts and reach millions of readers.

You’ll learn how I decide what to write about, develop the headline and key points for the post, write the first draft, and create high-quality blog posts on a consistent basis without spending endless hours working on them.

Get This Is How I Outline Blog Posts here.

Or, join This Is How I Do It for access to my full library of 29 resources plus a new one every week for the next year.

Joining This Is How I Do It today is a great deal: You get $1,215 worth of resources for just $120!

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• I’m Alan, a personal performance and leadership coach to successful entrepreneurs, investors, LGBTQIA+ and artists in business. Check me out here.

• Actionable, deep-dive case studies from creators covering growth strategies, insights, tactics, and more! Subscribe to the Cursor newsletter.

• Olo is a recovering addict turned tech exec turned jedi explorer. Writing a weekly newsletter on consciousness, addiction, & philosophy. Subscribe!

• Dreaming of your TED TALK in 2021? Learn to shape your “idea worth spreading.” Claim your (free) tool: 3 steps that built a 30-million view TEDx talk.

• Learn HTML & CSS while smashing zombies with silliness. Grab Punching Zombies, our free HTML/CSS QuickStart Guide for Writers, Designers & Beginners.

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My Final Words Of The Week

In a 24-hour span earlier this week, three people asked to book a coaching call with me.

I didn’t pitch or even mention that service to them.

But I had previously helped all of them in some other way for free.

You don’t have to sell to people to get them to buy. You just have to help them.

Have a great week!


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