
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

You’re probably playing too many games.

And it’s holding you back.

This is why.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. What I Learned From The Book “Who Not How”

“You must stop asking yourself, ‘How can I accomplish this?’ A much better question is, ‘Who can help me achieve this?’”

I recently read the book Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

It features a simple concept that might drastically improve your life and business.

In this post I share what I learned from the book Who Not How including how a shift in mindset can increase your vision of what’s possible, how to develop more impactful relationships, and why you should always be the buyer — even if you’re selling something.

Related: Hell Yeah or No: What’s Worth Doing.

2. 42 Ways To Make Your First Dollar Online

“Never been a better time in history to make digital dough.”

If you want to monetize your expertise or creations, here’s a good place to start.

Blake Emal has compiled 42 ways to make your first dollar online including recommendations of tools you can use to do so.

It includes suggestions about everything from how to create products, offer services, and do affiliate marketing.

Btw, I found this link in the Idea Economy newsletter.

Related: Six questions to help you monetize your audience.

3. The Best Moment To End A Meeting

“About right here you’ve reached the height of the appreciation that you’re going to get for this presentation.”

This is one of the smartest perspectives I’ve seen on the dynamics of a meeting — especially one in which you present an idea.

At the 34-minute mark of this video, graphic designer Paula Scher breaks down the best moment to end a meeting.

It’s a three-minute segment that’s an absolute must-watch.

Btw, I found this link in the Storythings newsletter.

Related: How to use email to spend 50% less time in meetings.

4. How To Differentiate Yourself From The Competition

“Small, subtle differences are not enough.”

It’s not enough to be good — you’ve also got to be different.

Peep Laja shares a deep dive into how to differentiate yourself from the competition including ways to create categories, differentiate your branding, and leverage your personal brand.

Btw, I found this link in the Modern Museum newsletter.

Related: This is how I write a new client proposal.

5. Four Tips For Starting An Online Course From Someone Who’s Launched Multiple Six-Figure Courses

“Instead of more classes on writing or productivity that reach hundreds of students, I think people want more targeted courses for smaller groups.”

Everyone has a course to sell these days (myself included), but the truth is most courses fail.

To avoid that fate, check out these four tips for starting an online course from Lauren Valdez who’s helped multiple courses reach six-figures in sales.

Her advice includes to go personal, not model your course after top course creators, and make your course as niche as possible.

Related: Course experts to follow on Twitter.

This Is How I Write A “Last Chance” Sales Email

I put together a 7-page PDF that reveals how I wrote a “last chance” email that drove thousands of dollars worth of sales.

It includes a breakdown of what I sent to potential buyers including how I approached the subject line, format, social proof, and call-to-action within the email.

Get This Is How To Write A “Last Chance” Sales Email here.


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My Final Words Of The Week

This week in my Daily Graph newsletter I shared an interesting explanation of magic from Teller of Penn and Teller fame:

“You will be fooled by a trick if it involves more time, money, and practice than you (or any other sane onlooker) would be willing to invest.”

Translation: You can be a magician in anything you do.

Have a great week!


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