
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

This is what progress feels like.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. The One-Sentence Formula That Reveals The Missing Ingredient In Your Goal

“I want to get _____ by helping _____ get _____ without doing _____.”

I start every Creator Clarity call with the same question: What’s your goal?

Most people struggle to answer it beyond a vague reference to what they want.

To help you figure it out, I put together this post featuring the one-sentence formula that reveals the missing ingredient in your goal and an explanation of how to use it.

Related: How to set goals in a way that helps you accomplish them.

2. How To Make It As An Artist

“The problem is, we’re following rules made for other people’s convenience.”

When creators struggle, it’s often because they have false assumptions about how they “need” to approach their career.

Jessica Abel examines how to make it as an artist based on her own experience and suggests you stop following the rules and take control of your own career.

Related: A manifesto for creative people.

3. 10 Proven Viral Tweet Formats

“Questions are the most underrated type of tweet.”

Success on Twitter is as much about how you format your ideas as it is the ideas themselves.

The Art of Purpose shares 10 proven viral tweet formats you can apply to your own ideas including to tweet about rules, repeat and define your message, and use a before and after format.

Related: The Twitter tips collection.

4. How To Create Content When You Have Nothing More To Say

“Don’t be afraid to send the same ideas, described and positioned differently.”

In order to create consistent content, you’ve got to consistently come up with things to talk about and this can help with that.

Brennan Dunn explains how to create content when you have nothing more to say including to recognize learning doesn’t happen overnight, to facilitate dialogue with your audience, and to take a many-to-many approach as opposed to one-to-many.

Related: This is how I decide what to include in my newsletter.

5. A 10-Step Checklist To Make Sure Your Emails Don’t Get Caught In Spam Filters

“Auditing your current situation is the first step towards improving your overall email deliverability rate.”

The best emails in the world are useless if they don’t land in people’s inbox.

Michael Leszczynski shares a 10-step checklist to make sure your emails don’t get caught in spam filters including how to analyze your current statistics, set up your technical configuration, and warm up your email address.

Btw, I found this link in the Idea Economy newsletter.

Related: How to get newsletter subscribers.

A Quick Way To Speed Up Your Audience Growth

I want to help you grow your audience.

That’s why I’ve created a collection of resources to help you attract new followers and subscribers based on what’s worked for me.

Join This Is How I Do It today to get access to all these resources:

• How to 3x the conversion rate on your email signup page

• Four tweet formats that work every time

• How to define your audience

• A framework to create successful social media posts

• How to choose your niche

• How to get more people to see your tweets

• How to survey your audience

• How to create an effective social media strategy

• How to promote your podcast on Twitter

• How to combine tactics to grow your audience

Plus, you’ll get 50 more resources to help you grow your audience and business.

Get This Is How I Do It here.

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My Final Words Of The Week

Who’s the most overrated person in history?

A couple years ago someone asked that question on Reddit and 40,000 people responded.

You’ll love who wound up getting the most votes.

Have a great week!


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