
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

You can only learn so much without doing.

You’ve learned enough.

It’s time to start doing.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. A Suggestion For Your Sales Page

Show me the sales page for your product or service and I’ll give you a suggestion to improve it (just reply to my tweet linked above). Or, just learn from all the suggestions I give others in the replies.

2. 15 Strategies To Get You 1,000 New Email Subscribers

Step-by-step tactics you can use to get more subscribers from your blog posts, home page, giveaways, and more.

3. How To Get Your Music Heard On Spotify

This 11-minute video shows you how to get featured on playlists and other tactics you can use to get your music discovered even if you don’t have a large social media following.

4. How To Write A Book In 10 Days

Award-winning author Meg Elison reveals how she wrote a 90,000 word novel in 10 days.

5. 16 Of The Best Threads About Twitter Growth

Want to know how the experts grow their audience and craft their tweets? Here’s your chance to find out.

A Deeper Dive: One-Sentence Tips

Some resources you may find helpful:

40 One-Sentence Product Sales Tips

40 One-Sentence Writing Tips

40 One-Sentence Marketing Tips

40 One-Sentence Email Tips

This Is How I Do It

Sources and Sponsors

• Campaign Monitor’s custom template builder helps you create beautiful, responsive email templates that stand out in a crowded inbox.

• “The only thing better than a good book is a good book starring you!” Get your kids excited about reading with a Moka Boka personalized storybook.

• Just one piece of this toolkit could boost your sales by 10% this holiday season! There are 7!

• Don’t like taking meeting notes? Try this free Chrome (or Edge) browser extension that transcribes them for you.

This social media marketing newsletter for creators and solopreneurs brings you expert strategies and practical guides in a no-BS Thursday email.

Growth Currency is a free newsletter for creators that features resources, tools, and courses.

Draft Mode is a free newsletter with tips and tools for writers.

Get Your Creation In Front Of 18,000 Creators & Entrepreneurs

Reserve an ad in For The Interested here.

On average, sponsors get 150 clicks on their ads.

My Final Words Of The Week

I’ve shared a lot of ideas over the years.

But I’m not sure any of them have resonated as much as this one did.

Have a great week!


PS — If you enjoy my newsletter I’d love you to tell others about it.

They can subscribe here.
