
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Sometimes the things we find most valuable are the ones that surprise us.

With that in mind, I’m including a bonus “surprise” link in each issue of this newsletter moving forward.

You’ll find it at the bottom of The Starting Five section.

I think you’ll dig it.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. How To Handle Criticism

Not everyone’s going to love what you do. This is my take on what to do when they don’t.

2. The Three Elements That Make Content Go Viral

This is as close to a formula as you’ll get for figuring out how to create headlines that attract attention, content that lives up to that headline, and creations people will want to share it with others.

3. How Trung Phan Got 300K Twitter Followers In A Year

A deep dive into the strategy he uses including how he optimized his profile, found his niche, and figured out what to tweet about.

4. How Quentin Tarantino And David Bowie Use Conceptual Blending To Create Masterpieces

A collection of frameworks you can use to turn your inspirations into successful and unique creations of your own.

5. How To Build A Massively Successful Paid Newsletter

Tips from a writer at The Hustle on how to build, price, and launch a paid newsletter.

A Surprise Bonus Link!

Want to know what it is? There’s only one way to find out.

Meanwhile, On Twitter…

Sources and Sponsors

• Email list churn is expected, but well-crafted reactivation campaigns can help you win back the attention of idle subscribers — here’s how to do it.

Experience Stack Newsletter is a weekly roundup of curated posts & helpful insights about the digital experience. Give yourself an edge–subscribe now!

• Music composer Fog Chaser sends moments of calm — in the form of original instrumental music and visuals — once per month, free.

Instacap — Screen capture, annotation & visual feedback tool for web pages, images and pdfs.

• Are you looking for pain and anxiety relief using all natural CBD for your dog?

Opt In Weekly is a must-read free newsletter for newsletter creators.

• The Idea Economy newsletter is a free overview of what’s working in the creator economy.

Want to reach the 18,000 creators and entrepreneurs who read this newsletter for just $100?

Reserve an ad here.

My Final Words Of The Week

Don’t be a perfectionist, be Lorne Michaels.

As he said, “Saturday Night Live doesn’t go on because it’s ready, it goes on because it’s Saturday night at 11:30.”

Have an interesting week!


PS — If you know someone who would enjoy this newsletter please share it with them.

They can subscribe here.