
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Want more? Do less.

The fewer social platforms you use, the faster your audience will grow.

The fewer services you offer, the more clients you’ll get.

The fewer goals you set, the more likely you are to achieve them.

You get more when you do less.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. Five Blog Post Templates That Attract Readers And Revenue

In my new blog post I break down the most successful blog post formats I’ve created and how you can use them for your own niche.

2. This Content Distribution Playbook Will Maximize The Value You Get From Your Creations

You don’t have to do everything included in this 7-day content promotion plan, but if you even do 25% of it you’ll get WAY more people to see what you create.

3. How To Get Your Podcast Featured On Spotify

The editorial team at Spotify put this together to explain what they look for and how you can get their attention.

4. How To Use The “Waffle House Marketing Strategy” To Grow Your Twitter Following

Simple. Free. Effective.

5. How To Avoid The Mistakes Most Paid Newsletter Creators Make

This will make you think twice about how you message your newsletter, what you put in it, and how you approach audience growth.

Do You Trust Me?

If so, then believe me when I say you’ll find my Skill Sessions incredibly helpful.

Meanwhile, On Twitter…

Sources and Sponsors

• SMS is a powerful marketing tool. But, when done poorly, it can be interruptive and off-putting. Learn to send the right kind of SMS with these tips.

• Sendinblue helps you reach your customers digitally. Create personalized emails, manage your CRM, and send transactional emails. Learn more here!

• Looking for free tool to create livestreams and grow your presence? Try Melon! Full HD, local recording, donations, multistream & more. Start for free

• Struggling to create videos consistently? Let Video Husky take editing off your plate today. Click here to learn more.

• Get your blog posts, newsletters, whitepapers, case studies, etc., edited in 24 hours or less. Plus unlimited revisions. Try for free with code ‘FTI.’

• The Idea Economy newsletter helps creators and indie startups grow their audience and business.

• The Storythings newsletter is a collection of inspiring stories and examples of how creative people express themselves.

• Follow Arvid Kahl on Twitter for advice about how to build in public, grow your Twitter following, and succeed as an entrepreneur.

Want to tell my 18,000+ readers about your product or service? Become a sponsor.

My Final Words Of The Week

Want to feel better about something that didn’t quite work out as well as you hoped?

Take 52 seconds to watch this.

Have an interesting week!


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