
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

I’ve got a lot of opinions about what it takes to succeed as a creative entrepreneur.

They’re not all popular.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. The 3 Strategies Every Creative Entrepreneur Needs, How To Write Effective Ad Copy, And The Most Common Sales Page Mistake

In this week’s episode of my I Want To Know podcast, I break down everything you need to know if you want to get people to buy from you.

Watch it at the link above or listen here or on your favorite podcast platform.

(And if you dig it, I’d love you to tell others about it — thx!)

2. Eight Simple Ways To Look Better On Video

Is your camera positioned at the right angle? Is your background working against you? Is your shot framed right?

You’re about to find out.

3. The Five Newsletter Business Models

This is as good an overview as I’ve seen of proven strategies you can use to build a profitable newsletter.

4. 10 Google Calendar Productivity Tips

Keyboard shortcuts, shared notes, hidden events, and more “fun” stuff you probably don’t know you can do.

5. A Fill-In-The-Blank Editorial Guidelines Template

Want to get your team (or just yourself) clear on how you communicate to your audience? This is a great place to start.

Only Read These If You’re A Real Go-Getter

 → Here’s your chance to get a resource from me that will help you with your exact problem.

 → Do this for three months and watch what happens.

Sources and Sponsors

• Being self-employed can be stressful. WorkMade is the first automated finance app that handles your taxes, business expenses, and payments for you.

• Grow a Twitter following in 5 minutes / day. Tweet Hunter gives you an AI-powered content machine & advanced scheduling. Try it free for a full week.

• Your relationship to money mirrors your relationship to self. Subscribe to Cultivating Your Riches to heal both. Shift your mindset. Grow your wealth.

• Overthinking, interpersonal conflict, and stress drain your energy to DO more and BE more! Get your FREE “I AM Worth It” Framework and chill.

• Struggling to find new podcast listeners? Book a podcast audit and discover what’s working and what can be improved. 25% off for FTI readers.

Growth Notes is a free newsletter to help you grow on Twitter.

Want to promote your creations to my 19,000+ readers? Reserve an ad.

My Final Words Of The Week

When starting something new, most people ask themselves:

“What if it doesn’t work?”

A more beneficial question to ask is:

“What if it does?”

Have an interesting week!


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