
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

This might be the best description I’ve ever given of my core philosophy when it comes to what it takes for creative entrepreneurs to succeed.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. How To Look Great On Video

In this week’s episode of my I Want To Know podcast, home video setup expert Kevin Shen shares the three most common video setup mistakes people make, how to build a home studio on a budget, and more tips to help you not look like a hostage on your next Zoom call.

Watch at the link above or listen here.

2. My Playbook For Creative Entrepreneurs

I was recently interviewed on The Knowledge podcast and shared a bunch of frameworks you can use to find your audience, create work you’re proud of, and avoid burning out.

3. A Week’s Worth Of Tweet Templates Your Audience Will Find Valuable

Not sure what to post this week? Try the recommendations I share here and watch what happens.

4. 30 One-Sentence Mindset Tips For Side Hustlers

Jessica Williams found my one-sentence tips posts helpful (like the ones where I share email tips and writing tips), so she decided to “borrow” the format and create a list of her own.

And you know what? They’re good.

5. 20 Lessons For New Podcasters From A Podcaster Who Got One Million Downloads In Two Years

You’ll learn what to cut, when to consider ads, how to promote your show, and more.

Sources and Sponsors

• The Ask® helps entrepreneurial professionals decide and plan their next career move or business idea. Feel clear and excited about your future today.

• Struggling to keep up with endless tactics and algorithm updates? Learn to create irresistible content that appeals to human nature.

• Learn how to turn your overthinking into expert thinking and get out of your own way with the free Hold That Thought newsletter.

Sympli Works is a dynamic community for small & micro business owners. Ready to get off the treadmill? Our online courses are for you.

• Get your important information updated, for life’s most urgent moments. Join the Facts of Life Book Course today — just $25 for lifetime access.

• This is a must-read if you want sponsors for your newsletter.

Want to promote your creations to my 20,000+ readers? Reserve an ad.

My Final Words Of The Week

You might not care about my Skill Sessions.

(Though you’d probably find them REALLY helpful.)

But I bet you’ll find value in this breakdown of how I sell my Skill Sessions and the business model behind them.

It’s one that’s working well as revenue is up 61% compared to the previous year.

Have an interesting week!


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