Ever use the words better or best?
Then you need to take 37 seconds and watch this.
Now, on to this week’s ideas…
The Starting Five
1. Podcast Promotion Strategies You Haven’t Heard Before
I break down how to write effective digital ad copy, how to use local marketing to promote your podcast, and what to post on social media if you’re involved in multiple niches.
Watch it at the link above or listen here.
2. 5 Questions To Figure Out If Your Newsletter Is Working (And What To Do If It’s Not)
I’m getting great feedback on this blog post I recently published — readers seem to find it VERY helpful.
3. How To Create, Price, And Sell A High-Ticket Offer
You can (and probably should) charge more as long as you construct your offer in the right way — this will help you do that.
4. A Proven Cold Email Template You Can Use To Approach Successful People
You’ll learn what to write and how to frame your asks in a way that makes people more likely to agree to them.
5. How To Get A Client To Say Yes To An Upsell
In this quick video I deconstruct someone’s upsell pitch and show her how to reframe it in a way more likely to convert.
“This session is killer!”
That’s what Mark Modesti said after he watched my Content Compass Skill Session.
It’s a 58-minute video where I show you a simple system you can use to find share-worthy content for your newsletter, social media accounts, and blog posts.
Since you read my newsletter, I’ve got a discount code for you: Use discount code COMPASS25 to get it for just $25.
Sources and Sponsors
• Grow a Twitter following in 5 minutes / day. Tweet Hunter gives you an AI-powered content machine & advanced scheduling. Try it free for a full week.
• Stop writing books nobody reads.
• Ever had a potential client say, “I can’t afford it”? This episode of Imperfect Action explains how to overcome this — without lowering your price.
• Get a free human-quality audio version of your newsletter or blog post in minutes with audyo.ai. Your readers are listeners too.
• Want a tool that can detect every possible tax write-off and help you file taxes on your phone? Grab AppSumo’s FREE Black Friday FlyFin deal here!
Book an ad here to introduce your work to the 20,000+ creative entrepreneurs who read this newsletter.
My Final Words Of The Week
Go watch Chef’s Table: Pizza.
There are so many lessons to learn and apply to your work.
The dedication.
The desire to be great.
The quest for high-quality ingredients.
The simplicity.
The style.
The little details that make all the difference.
Have an interesting week!
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