
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

If you look for a reason why it can’t work, you’ll find it.

If you look for a reason not to trust someone, you’ll find it.

If you look for reason you’re not ready, you’ll find it.

Careful what you look for.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. The Surprising Truth About What It Takes To Succeed On YouTube

I had the chance to ask a YouTube expert with 500,000 subscribers how to get noticed on the platform and his answers are a must-watch if you post anything on the platform.

And you definitely should see what he said about subscribers .

2. How To Write A Powerful About Page In 4 Steps

This isn’t complicated, but if you just follow this format your About page will become MUCH stronger.

3. How To Use Memes To Drive 16% More People To Your Site

A good case study about whether posting funny memes on social media can actually drive more visitors to your website and how to do it.

4. How To Create Content People Can’t Wait To Share

Sam Parr, founder of The Hustle, reveals a bunch of tactics he and his team use to create viral content that can be applied to any niche.

5. A 40-Page Social Media Playbook Used To 8x Monthly Revenue

The level of detail and transparency in this free playbook is impossible to describe in this summary — it reveals EXACTLY how a business grew from $20k/month to $175k/month.

I’ll Get You A New Client For $25

Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

My Client Generator Skill Session gives you a proven system you can use to get clients, based on what’s worked for me.

And since you’re reading my newsletter, you can use discount code CLIENT25 to get it for just $25 this week.

Sources and Sponsors

• Grow a Twitter following in 5 minutes/day. Tweet Hunter gives you an AI-powered content machine & advanced scheduling. Try it free for a full week.

• Meditation seems simple yet it’s difficult to do. If you’d like some help getting started, so you can experience the benefits, check out this site.

• We’re waging war on burnout. Join Modern Creator for free if you want to design a sustainable lifestyle of vibrant wellness and reliable income!

• Today, you can scale to seven figures remotely with less overhead, proven playbooks, and a community of peers. Click here to find out how.

Scrappy podcasters win . Find out how with one 2-minute tip per week on how to punch above your weight as an underdog brand or creator.

The Tilt is a free newsletter that helps content creators become content entrepreneurs.

Spark Edition is a free newsletter that features resources to help inspire you next idea.

I’d love to tell my 21,000 readers about your work. Let’s make it happen .

My Final Words Of The Week

The newsletter you just read didn’t always look like this.

Here are a couple edits I made that might teach you a little something about copywriting.

Have an interesting week!


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