
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

I’ve got a new way to help you.

Inbox To Invoice is my new group coaching program designed to help you get clients through your newsletter.

It’s going to be amazing, but space is limited.

Learn more about it here and apply before January 1st if you’re interested (no pun intended).

Qualified applicants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis, so don’t wait if you want to join us!

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. 13 Books That Simplified Audience And Business Growth For Me This Year

These aren’t the only books I read this year, but they’re definitely the most useful ones.

2. How To Get Massive Value From Twitter

My take on the four keys to Twitter success (most people only do one of them), how to succeed on Twitter without writing threads, and what I’d do if I only had 30 minutes a day to spend on Twitter.

3. Three Keys To Audience Growth You Probably Haven’t Considered Before

Justin Welsh reveals what’s led to his explosive audience growth and how you can apply similar strategies to grow your own audience.

4. What To Say When Someone Says They Can’t Afford Your Service

If you can spare two minutes of your time to watch this, you’ll never be at a loss for words when pitching a potential client again.

5. How To Avoid The 5 Mistakes Creators Make With Merchandise

Even if you don’t currently sell any merch, this is worth a watch…and it might just convince you to start.

I’ll Help You Get More Newsletter Subscribers For $25

My Newsletter Booster Skill Session gives you a simple system you can follow to get more newsletter subscribers in 5 minutes a day.

And since you’re reading my newsletter, you can use discount code BOOSTER25 to get it for just $25 this week.

Sources and Sponsors

• Mike Leip (Panda Planner guy) just joined Twitter. His threads this week are: 7 figure biz models, routines & beating imposter syndrome. Follow him?

• Looking to reflect on 2022 and make 2023 your best year yet? Then download this FREE Yearly Review Guide from Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole.

• This newsletter shares 3-minute, all-action case studies to make you a better marketer.

Don’t miss out on the latest Microsoft 365 news. This newsletter is easy to read and the perfect way to stay briefed without adding stress to your day.

The Tilt is a free newsletter that helps content creators become content entrepreneurs.

My ads drive ACTION and most get 200+ clicks. Book an ad here .

My Final Words Of The Week

If anyone ever asks what it’s like to be a creative entrepreneur…

This is the answer.

Have an interesting week!


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