
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Happy New Year!

My wish for you:

Whatever you’re excited to do at the start of 2023, I hope you’re just as excited to still be doing it at the end of 2023.

Consistency is a gift that keeps on giving.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. The 20 Most-Loved Things I Wrote This Year

I shared a LOT of tips to help you grow your audience and business this year — here are the ones readers found most helpful.

2. Watch Me Optimize A Creative Entrepreneur’s Business

I help her avoid a common newsletter mistake, figure out how to create a truly effective lead magnet, and show her how to avoid leaving money on the table with the products she sells.

3. Medium’s CEO Reveals How To Get The Most Out Of The Platform

This provides some clarity about where Medium’s at, where it’s headed, and how you can capitalize on it.

4. A Pitch Email That Helped A Growth Expert Get Booked On 200 Podcasts

Those appearances generated more than $1 million worth of customers for his company.

5. 10 Ways To Come Up With An Effective Newsletter Name

Simple formulas you can use to choose a name that will attract the right kind of subscribers to your newsletter.

I’ll Show You How To Write The Best Blog Post You’ve Ever Written For $25

My Write Your Most Successful Blog Post Ever Skill Session gives you a simple system you can use to generate ideas, write, edit, publish, and promote blog posts that help you accomplish your goals.

And since you’re reading my newsletter, you can use discount code BLOG25 to get it for just $25 this week.

Sources and Sponsors

• He’s sold over $27,563,927.00 worth of products online, but still feels like an imposter. Here are 7 things he’s doing to overcome imposter syndrome .

• Get this collection of free sales copywriting templates based on some of the most successful sales copy of all time.

• A must-read newsletter for podcasters who want to grow their audience .

• A great free newsletter for newsletter creators that’s packed with tips to help you get more subscribers.

The Tilt is a free newsletter that helps content creators become content entrepreneurs.

• The Growth Currency newsletter features resources, tools, and tips to help you grow your newsletter.

• The Demand Curve newsletter features advanced growth tactics from industry leaders.

Here’s your chance to sponsor this newsletter !

My Final Words Of The Week

I want to help you get more clients.

So, I’m extending the application deadline for my Inbox To Invoice group coaching program to the end of this week.

We’ve got some amazing people already signed up (more to come on that soon) and I hope you’ll join us.

Here’s how I can help you turn your newsletter into a client-generating machine .

Have an interesting week!


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