
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Strategy needs to be aligned with a destination.

Which means you need to pick a destination first.

It’s like looking at a map.

You see all the roads and potential destinations, but…

If you haven’t chosen a destination you have no clue whether to turn right or left.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. How To Get More Value Out Of The Content You Create

My Content Maximizer Skill Session is now available!

It’s a one-hour video presentation where I show you how to get more leads, sales, subscribers, and followers from your content without having to constantly create new content.

You can get it for just $25 if you purchase before Feb. 1st when the price doubles.

2. How To Turn Your Audience Into A Business

Watch me show a creative entrepreneur how to go from sort-of-successful to super successful (btw, he’s already seen a jump in his business after implementing my suggestions).

3. Six Questions To Help You Pick The Most Effective Words In Your Messaging

A single word can make all the difference when it comes to whether an audience resonates with your message or not — here’s how to be strategic about the words you use.

4. The 10 Elements Your Content Marketing Strategy Needs

Learn how to design cornerstone content, sequence your content, and discover your big idea.

5. How To Turn Blog Posts Into A Paid eBook

A free guide that shows you how to repackage your writing.

I’ll Help You Get More Newsletter Subscribers For $25

My Newsletter Booster Skill Session gives you a simple system you can follow to get more newsletter subscribers in five minutes a day.

And since you’re reading my newsletter, you can use discount code BOOSTER25 to get it for just $25 this week.

Sources and Sponsors

• Mental health has never been so entertaining. Join the Creator Tales newsletter to get bite-sized fables that make big-time impact.

• Want to see behind the scenes of a $10m online course business? Olly Richards has written a 117-page case study about how he did it. Download it here .

Harlow helps freelancers get organized and look professional with automated invoicing, proposal templates, and much more — all from one centralized hub.

• Learn how to grow your newsletter from someone who’s actually done it.

• Get every resource shared in the For The Interested newsletter last year organized by topic — for free!


You’ve got a thing you’d love 24,000 creative entrepreneurs to hear about.

I can make that happen.

Reserve an ad in my newsletter here to introduce your work to a great group of people.

My Final Words Of The Week

Most podcast interviews are boring.

Because most podcast questions are boring.

Here’s how to ask better questions .

Have an interesting week!


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