
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

The newsletter you’re about to read didn’t always look like this.

Here’s a look at ​the first draft of my headlines and how I edited them​ to (hopefully) make them more interesting to you.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. ​How To Get Sponsors (If You Don’t Have A Big Audience)​

I explain why the key to attracting sponsors has nothing to do with the size of your following and how to get companies to pay to reach your audience.

2. ​Six Tools That Make Managing Email Less Of A Nightmare​

Plus, a bunch of simple shortcuts you probably don’t realize you can use.

3. ​How To Create YouTube Thumbnails In A Fraction Of The Time It Currently Takes You​

Including a brilliant way to get a ton of images of yourself quickly.

4. ​The Real Secret To How The Biggest Newsletters Grow​

Most huge newsletters credit their growth to their referral programs or content, but this is the truth about what actually drives their growth.

5. ​Mind-Blowing Stats About What It Takes To Become A Top 1% Creator​

It’s not nearly as hard as you think…as long as you don’t quit too soon.

I Made Thousands Of Dollars On A Product I Created In A Day And…

I’ll show you exactly how to do it.

My ​Product-In-A-Day Creator​ is a one-hour video Skill Session that features five types of products you can create with minimal effort to monetize and provide value to your audience.

Use code PRODUCT25 to get it for just $25 this week (a 50% discount).

​Learn more and check out free excerpts here​.

Sources and Sponsors

• Is passive income possible for creators without a huge nest egg? Find out how a family man from Arkansas did it: ​The Truth About Passive Income​

• Learn how to get FREE attention as a guest on top podcasts, on the Today Show, and in Forbes ​in this bootcamp​ run by a TV reporter.

​This free case study by Dylan Bridger​ reveals how he helped a coach land 130 booked calls (or $148,200) in 90 days by sending one email per week.

• The ​Jess Picks newsletter​ features valuable resources and advice for side hustlers.

• The ​Make It Yours newsletter​ shows creators and entrepreneurs how to stand out.

• The ​eBiz Insider newsletter​ shares tips and opportunities to build your online business.

My Final Words Of The Week

If you’re a runner, you should definitely check out ​The Half-Marathoner newsletter​.

But, actually…

You might want to check it out even if you’re not a runner because chances are you’ll find it equally inspiring.

Have an interesting week!


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