
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

The hard part isn’t if you can get good enough.

It’s if you can be patient enough.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. ​The Mindset That’s Driven All My Success As A Creative Entrepreneur​

It all started with this two-word phrase.

2. ​7 Ways To Create A Slide Deck That Isn’t Boring​

Including how to organize your deck, how many slides to use, and how many bullets is too many bullets on a slide.

3. ​The 9 Keys To Writing Effective Ads​

If you’re going to promote your work in someone’s newsletter (​like mine​), these proven tactics will get you more bang for your buck.

4. ​How To Get More Reach For Your Instagram Posts​

If you scroll down to the fourth item (you don’t need to download the report to see it), you’ll see a breakdown of how many hashtags you should use and how long your captions should be to maximize the reach of your posts on Instagram.

5. ​A Step-By-Step Guide To Running A Cost-Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign​

Including how to find the right influencers, get the most for your budget, and do outreach.

Want To Know How I Used Social Media To Grow My Newsletter To 50k Subscribers?

My ​Newsletter Social Playbook​ is a a 77-minute video Skill Session that features 20 proven tactics you can use on social media to grow your newsletter and in your newsletter to grow your social following.

It’s based on what I’ve done to grow my newsletter AND how other top creators use social platforms to grow theirs.

Use code PLAYBOOK25 to get it for just $25 this week (a 50% discount).

​Learn more and check out free excerpts here​.

Sources and Sponsors

• The ​Newsletter Operator newsletter​ features proven tactics to grow and monetize your newsletter.

• The ​Demand Curve newsletter​ features top strategies and tactics used by fast-growing startups.

• Learn how to ​write your most successful blog post ever​…in less than an hour.

My last 3 sponsors averaged 884 clicks on their ads in my newsletter.

And one of them said running ads in my newsletter has been ​the single best investment he’s made in his business in 2023​.

Ready to invest in your business?

​Reserve an ad in my newsletter here​.

My Final Words Of The Week

All no’s are not created equal.

​Get yourself more of these​.

Have an interesting week!


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