
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

A quick reminder:

Today’s your last chance to get my ​Sessions System​ skill session for just $25 before the price doubles tomorrow.

If you have any interest in selling products based on your expertise, this is your chance to see exactly how I’ve built a six-figure business doing so.

In the session I give you a step by step plan to follow to apply the model to your niche.

That’s why 100+ creative entrepreneurs have already bought it.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. ​How I Convert Free Newsletter Subscribers Into Product Buyers With One Automated Email​

In this free excerpt from my ​Sessions System​ presentation, I reveal the email I use to drive product sales through my newsletter.

2. ​The 5 Tactics Justin Welsh Says Most Helped Him Sell $3 Million Worth Of Courses​

The second one in particular goes against how most creators approach their course business.

3. ​6 Ways To Immediately Get More Engagement On LinkedIn​

Including post hooks and formats to try.

4. ​How To Create A Limited Time Offer That Actually Boosts Sales​

Your offer should be available for a shorter time than you think.

5. ​How To Get One Thing Right​

Consider this your permission to stop trying to do too much.

I’ve Got An Insanely Awesome Deal For You (But It’s Only Available For 24 Hours)

How’s this for a deal?

If you ​purchase an ad in my newsletter​ within 24 hours of when this hits your inbox, I’ll give you a FREE one-year membership to my ​Skill Sessions​ as a bonus!

The ad doesn’t have to run in the next 24 hours obviously, you just have to purchase it in that time frame.

Tick tock…

Sources and Sponsors

​11 Principles used by the best leaders​ to create an elite environment in their organization.

• A hand-crafted collection of 50 ChatGPT Mega-Prompts to supercharge your marketing. ​Use Q3MJY0MG promo code to get 20% off (only this week).​

• The ​Growth In Reverse newsletter​ reveals the growth strategies of the world’s most successful creators.

• The ​​Creatorboom newsletter​​ features resources to help you start and grow a content-focused business.

• Follow ​Amanda Natividad​ for tips on marketing and creating.

My Final Words Of The Week

You think your audience knows what you create, but you should ask them every once in a while.


​You might be surprised by the results​.

Have an interesting week!


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