
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Here’s an unexpected tip to help you get better at writing sales copy:

Go watch something you usually don’t watch.

(I assume.)

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. I Miss Blogging

It’s been a LONG time since I wrote a post like this one.

2. How To Use A Popup Newsletter To Get Clients

Who says you have to publish a newsletter forever to get clients from it? I’ve found a better way.

3. A Unique (And More Effective?) Way To Identify Your Ideal Customers

It’s rare I find a truly original, actionable concept – but this one fits that description and has changed the way I think about my own target audience.

4. How To Price Your Membership

Five key questions to give you clarity, help you build an effective offer, and attract the right community members.

Btw, if you’re interested in how to build/grow a membership, check out my free membership building masterclass.

5. Lessons From Solopreneurs Who Built $1 Million Businesses With No Employees

Yes, it can be done and this will show you exactly how others have done it.

Sources and Sponsors

• The Wit & Wisdom newsletter helps you lead a more intentional and fulfilling life. We start conversations on the things that matter. Join us.

• The Frictionless newsletter shows you how to resolve customer pain points, ask better questions, and create stronger case studies.

• If you have any interest in YouTube growth, here’s someone you need to know.

• Want to learn how to go from first-dollar to full-time solopreneur? You need this newsletter in your inbox.

My Final Words Of The Week

I’m speaking at the Solo Creator Summit this week and invite you to check it out.

It’s free, virtual, and packed with an incredible lineup of speakers.

I’m giving a talk on how to maximize the value of the content you create – hope to see you there!

Have an interesting week.


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