
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

I’ve chosen to serve entrepreneurs for almost a decade and…

I just realized why.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. How To Spot Potential Paths For Your Business (And Choose One)

The exercise I share here can be applied to any business in any niche.

2. 15 Ways To Grow Your Podcast

Including my take on what to do before you start a podcast, how to use a newsletter to promote it, and how to get others to promote it for you.

3. 10 ChatGPT Prompts To Help You Develop A Content Strategy

Including prompts you can use to get headline, topic, and social media post ideas.

4. Use The 100 Block Approach To Make The Most Of Your Day

What’s worth a block and what isn’t? Here’s how to figure that out.

5. Three Ways To Earn More Trust Online

I bet there’s one (and probably more) you haven’t done.

Sources and Sponsors

• Here’s your chance to reach the 50,000 creative entrepreneurs who love this newsletter (twice!) for just $350.

• Want to launch a world-class weekly newsletter for your brand or company? The Tailwind team will build it, write it every week, and help you monetize.

• Grow without big payrolls. Close higher ticket offers. Build a remote business you love. Free blueprint for creators and solopreneurs.

• The ​​Jess Picks newsletter​​ features valuable resources and advice for side hustlers.

• The ​Frictionless newsletter​ shows you how to resolve customer pain points, ask better questions, and create stronger case studies.

My Final Words Of The Week

I share a lot of advice about how to find your niche (including a method to clarify yours in my Niche Definer Skill Session).

Maybe that’s why I loved this take on it.

Have an interesting week!


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