
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Hard to believe, but this is the 400th Sunday edition of my newsletter.

Pretty cool.

It doesn’t have to be a newsletter, but I strongly recommend you do something 400 times.

You’ll be amazed what comes of it.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. 5 Ways To Build A Movement Around Your Work

The second concept I mention will also help your content go viral.

2. Free Coaching Time: How To Describe Your Ideal Customer

Give me your one-sentence ideal customer description and I’ll give you a suggestion to improve it.

3. How A Newsletter Creator Used Reddit To Get 55,000 Subscribers (For Free)

The underlying lessons here can be applied to other platforms and communities as well.

4. How To Please (Or Piss Off) The LinkedIn Algorithm

This deep dive into what works on the platform includes tips about what to post, what engagement to optimize for, and even who to follow to get more reach.

5. How To Sell A Million Copies Of A Non-Fiction Book

From an expert who’s advised 100+ authors including 7 who have sold more than a million copies.

Inside My Skill Sessions Membership This Week

You’re going to hear a lot about my newest Skill Session this coming week.

It’s called The Expert Positioner and in it I show you how to position your expertise in the market to attract more of your ideal customers.

Here’s what member Stephen V. Smith had to say about it:

“Once again, Josh has delivered tremendous value per minute. How do we pay him more money!!!”

I love my members.

Join us here.

Sources and Sponsors

• Here’s how to ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​reach the 40,000 experts who love this newsletter​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (twice!) for just $350.

Nervous System Mastery is a 5-week bootcamp teaching evidence-backed protocols to cultivate agency over your internal state (use ‘JOSH’ to save $250)

• Want an expert to roast your Notion setup or product workflow for free? Apply to be on Sara Loretta’s new Youtube series Roast My Workflow.

• Want to double the size of your email list? Here’s an easy way to get cross-promotions.

• Real growth, not hacks! Build a sustainable, future-proof business. Get smarter about marketing and growth in 10 mins or less per week with the Ideas To Power Your Future newsletter.

Beth Lapides helps creative people – writers, content creators, comedians – turn piles of papers into projects and get those projects out into the world!

My Final Words Of The Week

I’d love to hear what your customers say about your work.

And show more people the value of what you have to offer.

Here’s a simple way to make that happen.

Have an interesting week!


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