
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Everyone likes to finish things.

Especially in a world filled with never-ending feeds to scroll that we can never “finish.”

So you might want to try this.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. Five Ways To Build Anticipation For Your Next Launch

My take on what to say and how to say it.

2. Four Things To Do Before You Publish Your Next Newsletter Issue

I guarantee they’ll increase your open and click rates.

3. A Brilliantly Simple Automated Email To Send To Customers

Pretty sure I’m going to steal borrow this one.

4. A YouTube Thumbnail Designer Shows How To Improve A Single Thumbnail

You don’t need professional design skills to make tweaks like these to your thumbnails.

5. What It Actually Takes To Win Big

If you read this, I bet it leads you to stop doing at least one thing you currently do in your business.

Inside My Skill Sessions Membership This Week

Last week I recorded my One-Week Promo Plan Skill Session.

I could tell you how great it was and how that Session alone is worth more than what I charge for a full membership, but…

Instead I’ll just share with you what member Rebecca Martin said about it:

“This was my first Skill Session and it was a really good vibe. I already feel like I’ve received value from my purchase.

I love how you focus on not wasting anyone’s time.

I have been a subscriber to your work for about a month now, and I already have a little ‘Josh Spector’ voice in my head crafting my copy with me, which has been SUPER helpful.”

Want to have my voice in your head too?

Become a Skill Sessions member here.

Sources and Sponsors

• Here’s how to ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​reach the 40,000 experts who love this newsletter​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ (twice!) for just $350.

• Want more clients without depending on social? Discover a smart, predictable strategy for audience growth. Get your free 23-page guide here.

• Want to see behind the scenes of a $10m online course business? Olly Richards has written a 117-page case study about how he did it. Download it here.

My Final Words Of The Week

Of the content you’ve created, what do you think would be the most valuable to my readers?

Let me know here and I just might link to it in my newsletter one of these days.

Have an interesting week!


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