When was the last time you felt uncomfortable in your work?
Probably the moment before you made a leap forward.
Something to remember the next time you’re tempted to avoid a bit of discomfort.
Now, on to this week’s ideas…
The Starting Five
1. Three Things To Stop Doing If You Want More Clients
As I stopped doing them EVERYTHING got easier.
2. Three Questions To Ask The Next Guest On Your Podcast
If nothing else, make sure you ask the second one.
3. The 25 Keys To Running A Successful Newsletter
Including how to choose your topic, monetize, and win back inactive readers.
4. How To Get Thousands Of YouTube Views From Hundreds Of Subscribers
Based on how one creator gets 10,000 views on videos despite only having 467 subscribers.
5. Why You Should Stop Selling Info Products (And What To Sell Instead)
From one of the most successful info product sellers of all time.
Sources and Sponsors
• Here’s how to reach the 35,000 experts who love this newsletter (twice!) for just $350.
• This is the simplest way to create an AI clone of yourself based on your own content.
• Do you want to finish writing your book this summer? Then check out this accountability program for writers who want to write more, every week.
• Join the free Clever Copy Club community for monthly writing tips and advice to show self-employment who’s boss.
My Final Words Of The Week
Here’s what the first 11 years of Ray Bradbury’s writing career looked like.
Would you have stuck with it?
Have an interesting week!
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