
The Only Book I’ve Ever Read in One Sitting

“Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers.”

I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin, but had never actually read his book The Dip until this week — when I read it in one sitting.

That’s the first time I’ve done that in my life and it was easy because the book is both amazing and brief (it only took about 90 minutes to finish it).

The premise of the book is that when you set out to do something you will ultimately hit a dip that comes after the excitement of starting it wears off and before the rewards of success arrive.

Most people quit things when they hit the dip and never get to the success, but those who push through can become the best. The book is designed to help you figure out when you should quit and when you should push through the dip.

That’s an incredibly oversimplified take on it, but trust me — it’s worth the 90 minutes it will take you to read it.