
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

“Adults are only kids grown up.” — Walt Disney

Take a minute to think about yesterday.

What was the best thing you did?

What do you wish you had done differently?

What will you remember about it a year from now?

The answers to these questions won’t change what you did yesterday, but they might change what you do tomorrow.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. Four Questions To Make Sure You’re Trying Hard Enough To Accomplish Your Goal

“If you don’t have a way to gauge the effort required to accomplish something, there’s little chance you’ll deliver it.”

How do you know if you’re trying hard enough to accomplish a goal?

In this post I explain how to figure out if you’re trying hard enough by asking yourself four questions including if you’re invested enough to cause discomfort, willing to do the work regardless of the results, and working toward your goal ever day.

Related: How to set goals in a way that helps you accomplish them.

2. How To Overcome The Feeling That You’re Wasting Time

“To overcome time anxiety, it helps to shift your focus from outcomes to output and spend your energy on things you can control.”

It’s one thing to feel like there’s never enough time in the day, but it’s another to actually experience time anxiety.

Anne-Laure Le Cunff breaks down how to overcome the feeling that you’re wasting time including to define what time well spent means for you, make space for moments, and eliminate time-consuming distractions.

Related: You don’t have a time management problem — you just think you do.

3. The Three-Step Method Walt Disney Used To Come Up With Ideas

“Disney understood that it’s impossible to come up with, develop, and critique ideas simultaneously. Each stage in this process demands a different mindset.”

Not a lot of people have proved more adept than Walt Disney was at generating both creative and business ideas and much of that success was due to the way he approached creativity.

Jessica Stillman shares the three-step method Disney used to come up with ideas which included a dreamer phase, a realist phase, and a spoiler phase — each with its own unique mindset.

Related: How 25 famous women get their ideas.

4. How To Optimize Your Daily Decisions

“Designing for default comes down to a very simple premise: shift your environment so that the good behaviors are easier and the bad behaviors are harder.”

Want to exercise more? Stash a dumbbell next to your desk. Want to drink more water? Carry a water bottle with you.

James Clear explains how to optimize your daily decisions by leveraging simplicity, visual cues, and designing better default options into your life.

Related: How to reduce your decisions.

5. Six Better Ways To Share Your Content On Twitter

“How you share is just as important as what you share.”

Read this before you share your next article or video on Twitter and tag me when you do — I’ll try to send a little extra attention your way.

Steph Smith suggests six better ways to share your content on Twitter including to give people a reason to click, use a custom image, and don’t use hashtags.

Related: To get more value out of Twitter, make these your next four tweets.

Do the following five ideas interest you?

• 100 tools you can use to create something if you have no technical expertise

• How to make your knees feel better

• How to win the daily battles of creative work

• How to capture the attention of 19 million people

• How to overcome mindsets that prevent you from getting what you want

Become an FTI All Access member and I’ll send them to you next week.



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Funny Video

Bert Kreischer’s comedy tour promo


Aquarius Apocalyptic on the For The Interested playlist


This Is Not A T-Shirt by Bobby Hundreds


Some of this week’s ideas came from Khe Hy, Christine Hennessey, Storythings, and Further. Image via Filios Sazeides.


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