
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

“You are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” — Margaret Mead

Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a way to share the ideas you find or create with thousands of The Interested?

There is.

I’ve started to add #ForTheInterested to social media posts I think you’ll dig and hope you’ll do the same when you share stuff the rest of The Interested will find valuable.

Collectively, we can create an amazing resource.

So let’s do it.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. How To Make Something So Unique It Can’t Be Ignored

Most creations start out as generic ideas, but in order to attract an audience for your work you need to mold that idea into something unique.

In this post I share four ways to make something so unique it can’t be ignored including to create a unique format, combine two unrelated influences, and amplify a weakness as a strength.

Related: Eight ways to develop your unique writing voice.

2. How To Use A Habit Loop To Make A Habit Stick

The secret to developing a habit has nothing to do with willpower and everything to do with understanding the way habits form.

Bryan Ye explains how to make a habit stick using a habit loop including ways to optimize the cues, routines, and rewards that are the foundation of any habit.

Related: Why a focus on “average speed” helps you develop better habits.

3. How To Become A Self-Made Artist Or Entrepreneur

Musician and entrepreneur Steve Aoki has built a remarkable career and done so primarily with a self-taught, DIY approach.

In this interview he breaks down how to become a self-made artist and shares the principles that have guided his career and how he’s learned to overcome failure.

Related: You have everything you need to create anything you want.

4. Quantity Leads To Quality When It Comes To Creative Work

If you want to make something great, start by making something often.

Tom Kenny explains why quantity leads to quality and shares some interesting research on the subject including a study that found the top performing 5% of creators had actually created 400% more stuff than the average creator.

Related: Only do it if you’re willing to do it 100 times.

5. How To Make 64 Pieces Of Content In A Day

Don’t panic — you don’t actually need to create 64 pieces of content a day. However, it’s super helpful to think about how you would do it if you had to.

Gary Vaynerchuk breaks down how to make 64 pieces of content in a day in a 270-slide deck that’s packed with great social media tips including easy ways to create effective content for Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.

Related: How to create a social media post 100% of your followers will like.

Do the following five ideas interest you?

• The four keys to being an artist

• The only two things you need to remember to write great headlines

• How to grow a newsletter from scratch

• The most important shift in how audiences operate in a long time

Become an FTI All Access member and I’ll send them to you next week.


My Newsletter Accelerator course will help you grow your newsletter


The Lefsetz Letter features commentary about music and culture from Bob Lefsetz


The Bullpen by Dessa and the Minnesota Orchestra on the For The Interested playlist


Magic Time: My Life in Hollywood by Hawk Koch


Some of this week’s ideas came from Julian Mitchell, Justin Jackson, Creative Mornings, DO Lectures, and Further.


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