
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

“Those who write clearly have readers, those who write obscurely have commentators.” – Albert Camus

1. Six Key Decisions To Make When You Want To Monetize Your Audience

“The audience you target, products you offer, and ways you position them must be in alignment with each other.”

2. You’re Doing Enough

“There may never be another time in history where we have an excuse to sit at home and choose between doing absolutely nothing and doing something.”

3. How To Crush It On Twitter

“You need to know what you’re going to be posting about, you need to know why you’re going to be posting, you need to know what your goals are. And if you don’t know this stuff, you’re not going to know if you’re actually successful.”

4. Write For Yourself And Wisdom Will Follow

“With each post I write, I’m creating a lasting reminder to myself of what I’m capable of thinking.”

5. A Simple Social Media Copywriting Formula

“A social caption that reads backward, with the call-to-action front and center, doesn’t engage the reader.”

Three Quick Things Before You Go…

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