
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

There’s always more you can do.

But that doesn’t mean you have to do it.

Both things are equally important to remember.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. How To Identify Your 12 Hidden Skills

“Every skill you have is a compilation of other skills.”

You’ve got more skills than you realize and those skills can unlock valuable opportunities to improve your life and career.

In this post I explain how to identify your 12 hidden skills and the 24 opportunities they unlock by doing a simple exercise through which you will discover the component skills you’ve acquired and the people or companies likely to value them.

Related: The five most valuable skills you can develop for free.

2. Advice On How To Grow Your Audience From Someone Who’s Grown A Massive One

“Audience is the new currency…those who build the audience have the power.”

In 2017, Anthony Pompliano set out to build an audience.

Three years later, he now attracts 60 million impressions a month across his podcast, newsletter, Twitter account, and YouTube channel.

In a 67-minute video he shares advice on how to grow your audience and reveals exactly what he’s done to do so on each platform including where he started, why he tackles one platform at a time, and what it takes to build an audience of that size.

I highly recommend you watch the video, but if you don’t have the time to do so, here’s a quick summary of it.

Related: 100 things to publish in the next 100 days to grow your audience.

3. How To Express Big Ideas In As Few Words As Possible

“I call this process discovery by deletion. Figuring out what you want to say by deleting what you don’t.”

One of the most popular and influential people on Twitter is Naval Ravikant thanks to his ability to distill big, universal ideas into concise tweets.

Justin Mikolay analyzes Naval’s tweets to demonstrate how to express big ideas in as few words as possible.

He suggests to write something compelling you must learn how to simultaneously make your ideas bigger and word count smaller.

Related: 13 ways to turn the next thing you write into the best thing you’ve written.

4. How To Overcome Your Self-Critic

“The only thing that’s stopping you from what you want to do creatively is yourself.”

It’s easy to convince yourself your creative idea can’t work, but it’s crucial to learn how to tune out that voice in your head.

In this five-minute video, Patton Oswalt breaks down how to overcome your self-critic, what keeps creative people from creating, and how to nurture the positive voices you hear instead of the negative ones.

Related: You have everything you need to create anything you want.

5. How TikTok Decides Which Videos To Feature

“Neither follower count nor whether the account has had previous high-performing videos are direct factors in the recommendation system.”

A lot of creators are getting a lot of views on TikTok these days and in many cases it’s the result of being “magically” featured on the platform’s #ForYou page.

But it’s not exactly magic.

TikTok reveals how its algorithm chooses which videos to feature and the factors include a user’s interactions with previous similar videos, video information likes captions and hashtags, and device and account settings.

Related: How to get 300,000 TikTok followers in 60 days.

My Final Words Of The Week

I’ve got a quick story for you to read.

I didn’t write it, didn’t live it, and am not going to tell you much about it because I want you to discover it for yourself.

If you’re the kind of person who’s ever tried to build a thing or make a few people’s lives a little better, you’re going to love it.

Have a great week.


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