
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Passionate = interesting.

The more passionate you are about something, the more interesting you’ll be when you talk about it.

Even if you just talk about movie theaters.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. Triple Your Twitter Reach: 30-Day Twitter Reply Challenge

Want to increase the number of people who discover you on Twitter? Post one reply a day using the 30 prompts I share in this article.

A reader also put together this template to help you track your progress.

2. The Course Creator Lab Will Help You Run And Scale Your Course For Free!

This is an amazing collection of resources and templates to help you create, run, promote, and sell your course.

3. How A Creator Got 100k YouTube Subscribers In A Month

His first videos flopped. Then he figured out how to create videos on topics people wanted to see and everything changed.

If nothing else, watch this video for the section about how to strategically choose video topics.

4. 50 Call-To-Action Buttons That Convert Well

A handy cheat sheet you can use to get people to click your subscribe, download, or buy buttons.

5. A Massive Collection Of Creative Advice Videos

This is an amazing collection of videos the Screen Actor’s Guild recommends its members watch including advice about career development, content creation, pitching, writing, contracts, personal growth, self-promotion, marketing, social media, and more.

A Deeper Dive: Blogging

Some resources to help you become a more successful blogger:

How To Make Your Next Blog Post Better

13 Ways To Turn The Next Thing You Write Into The Best Thing You’ve Written

How To Jump Start Your Blog When Traffic Flatlines

This Is How I Outline Blog Posts

This Is How I Do It

Sources and Sponsors

• Your growth starts with FOCUS! The Creatives Roundtable: online accountability groups, support, and community for creative entrepreneurs. Learn more.

• Campaign Monitor’s custom template builder automatically generates an email template with your brand’s logo, colors, and font. Give it a try for free.

• Dieting isn’t how you solve weight gain. This is.

• Put me in a book! Moka Boka personalized storybooks are filled with fun & adventures. Your kids’ eyes will light up when they see their names & faces.

• Maybe This, Baby That: a free newsletter for moms who love design.

• Producer Ted Hope’s Twitter account is a great source of advice and inspiration for filmmakers and independent creators of all kinds.

You’re 80-Minutes From Feeling Less Overwhelmed By Social Media

I created 80-Minute Social Media Mastery to help you get the most value out of the time and effort you put into social media and ensure you’re not just spinning your wheels.

Get it here.

My Final Words Of The Week

This is a complete hypothetical (for the moment), but I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on this question.

Have a great week!


PS — If you enjoy my newsletter I’d love you to tell others about it.

They can subscribe here.
