
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

The more you absorb these two concepts and act accordingly, the happier and more successful you’ll become.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

The Starting Five

1. Get My Product-In-A-Day Creator Skill Session For Free

Don’t forget to grab my holiday gift for you!

2. Five Things To Do When You Launch A New Project

These can also help you jumpstart a project that’s flatlined.

3. How To Name Your Membership

Including three examples of how creators in different niches came up with their names.

4. How To Get The Most Out Of A Podcast Guest

Including how to increase the chances they share your episode with their audience.

5. Behind-The-Scenes Of A Course That Earned $10,000

This deep dive reveals how it was created, launched, and sold.

Sources and Sponsors

• Here’s your chance to ​​​​​​​​reach the 40,000 creative entrepreneurs who love this newsletter​​​​​​​​ (twice!) for just $350.

• Tongue-tied when presenting a creative idea to a client or responding to negative feedback? Download this free script of exactly what to say.

A free guide for coaches & consultants who want to become the go-to expert in their space and sign more clients… all by being more of themselves.

• This short, daily podcast for heart-led creatives will keep you motivated and inspired to do more of what you love… without burning out.

• The ​​​Creatorboom newsletter​​​ features resources to help you start and grow a content-focused business.

My Final Words Of The Week

This is a wild YouTube stat.

And one that may completely change how you think about using the platform.

Have an interesting week!


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