
This Is What the Internet Looks like in 2018

“Lifelong learning educational content usage is ramping very fast. YouTube has more than a billion views of daily learning videos. 70% of users use the platform to help solve work, school, or hobby problems.”

If you want to know everything happening with the internet and how it impacts the world in about 30 minutes, this one’s for you.

Recode shares video of Mary Meeker’s newest Internet Trends report presentation and posts all 294 slides she walks through in it.

It’s a crash course in internet trends including that for the first time ever this year smartphone unit shipments didn’t grow, the average American adult now spends 5.9 hours a day online (up from 5.6 a year ago), and 28% of all ecommerce business now runs through Amazon.

RELATED: A must-read for anybody who uses the internet.