The 3 Minutes It Takes To Read This Will Simplify Your Work Forever
No matter what kind of work you do, the following will help you focus and simplify how you do it.
No matter what kind of work you do, the following will help you focus and simplify how you do it.
“For years, new hires at Nordstrom famously received a copy of the company’s employee ‘handbook.’ It was a single 5-by-8 card that read, ‘Rule #1: Use best judg...
“A good interview is a conversation, where both sides are engaged. The purpose is to discover if the position is a match. If the candidate asks no questions, it...
“Volunteer to be the note taker in every meeting. The note taker has a tremendous amount of power inside a company. Your notes become the record of what happene...
“Learning does not entail the study of one domain but rather a diversity of them. This facillitates the process of cross-pollinating ideas and concepts, introdu...
You’ll get your dream job when you start doing your dream work.
“Examine where you are spending most of your time, and look for ways to shift some of the tasks you don’t like off your plate and ways to take on more of the re...
Success advice is everywhere. But most of it’s wrong. People tell you anybody can be successful, but they’re wrong. If anybody could do it, everybody would do i...
“Figure out what objects and places inspire you and immerse yourself in them. Pay attention to those details. Then, instead of imitating competitors, you just m...
“There’s a lot of pressure in life to not only know what your dream job is, but to also succeed at doing it.”