
5 Ideas For The Interested This Week

Pick a topic.

Turn everything off.

Spend a few minutes just thinking about it.

Sometimes all it takes to come up with a great idea is to give yourself the space to do so.

Now, on to this week’s ideas…

1. How To Sell Your Service To People Who Haven’t Experienced It

“Saying many things usually communicates nothing.”

I recently read the book Selling The Invisible and highly recommend it.

In this post I break down how to sell your service to people who haven’t experienced it based on excerpts from the book.

It includes advice about how to understand what you actually sell, set your prices, and position yourself among your competition.

Related: How to position your product, service, and yourself.

2. Viral Writing 101

“If somebody reads this, what are they going to feel at the end of this? If they feel nothing, it’s going nowhere.”

No matter how great a writer you may or may not be, watching this will make you a better one.

In a 57-minute video titled Viral Writing 101 Shaan Puri, Dickie Bush, and Nicolas Cole share their best tips for what it takes to create content people will engage with and share.

They also break down some of their own most successful writing and reveal how they created it and why they it worked well.

Btw, I found this link in the Growth Currency newsletter.

Related: Read this if you’re struggling to grow your audience.

3. 13 Ways To Stand Out And Get Noticed In A Crowded Market

“Turn your insecurities into your trademark.”

I often say you don’t get noticed by fitting in and this article is right in line with that philosophy.

Jake McNeill reveals 13 ways to stand out and get noticed in a crowded market including to fight the status quo, leverage the exposure effect, and use the skyscraper technique.

Btw, I found this link in the Idea Economy newsletter.

Related: A 10-post, five week content plan to get your work noticed.

4. 12 Strategies From The Highest-Paid Copywriter In History

“Write something easy, first.”

Copywriter Gary Halbert wrote sales letters that generated more than $1 billion in revenue over the course of his career.

Dickie Bush has compiled 12 strategies from the highest-paid copywriter in history including how to establish a writing routine, create an idea capture system, and specialize in something.

Related: This is how I use blog posts to get clients.

5. How Six Thought Leaders Make Money Online (Including Me!)

“This is a growing and highly viable career path.”

It’s one thing to attract an audience, but it’s another to turn that audience into an actual business.

Ellen Donnelly breaks down how six thought leaders make money online and I was honored to be included in the list.

You’ll learn how creators like myself approach creating content, sharing our expertise, and developing revenue streams.

Related: Want to make money from your expertise? Start here.

Want To Tap Into My Expertise?

I put together a few special resources to help you.

Check these out:

Four Tweet Formats That Work Every Time

How To Survey Your Audience

How To Edit Your Writing

The Secrets of Successful Creators (free!)


Join This Is How I Do It for access to all of those resources plus 50 more resources and templates you can use to save time, money, and effort growing your audience or business.

It’s $1,600 worth of resources bundled up into a $120 package.

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• Make stunning online courses, using only your phone. Classcamp is the easiest way to shoot and sell them — sign up today.

• Free download: from the author of Debt Free or Die Trying, “How Much Debt Can You Afford on a 30, 50, or $100,000 salary?” TheMarcusGarrett.com/salary

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• Foster is where top online writers turn ideas into exceptional pieces of writing. Applications just opened up for September — you can apply here.

• Want to make more money, get ahead at work, or explore entrepreneurship? Get career & business advice in your inbox every Wed with Invincible Career.

On average, my sponsors got 171 clicks on their ad last week.

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My Final Words Of The Week

There’s no shortage of tactics I share in this newsletter to help you grow your audience and business.

But the truth is they’re all meaningless without another key ingredient: Resonance.

If you want to learn how to create things that resonate with people, I recommend you check out Jay Acunzo’s Playing Favorites newsletter.

I’m sure you’ll find it helpful.

Have a great week!


PS — If you enjoy my newsletter I’d love you to tell others about it.

They can subscribe here.
