“Am I doing my job? It’s important to remember that we can be very busy — exhaustingly busy — and still not be doing our job. We can be caught up in the things that don’t matter, we can be interfering and encroaching on someone else’s job, we can be just plain procrastinating. All these things keep us working — but not on the job that actually matters.”
How To Tweak Your Environment To Achieve Your Goals
“Our environment dictates what we choose to do, as opposed to what we want to do. If you have choices around you that are distracting or lead to undesirable outcomes, then it becomes hard to make the right choices. On the flip side, having an environment that only has desirable choices constricts you to do what’s important for yourself.”
15 Phrases To Ban From Your Vocabulary
“You probably have no idea that it’s happening. But when you open your mouth, or let your fingers dance across the keyboard, you may be killing your own credibility in the ears and eyes of whomever you are trying to impress.”
How To Brainstorm Like A Kindergartner
“What we need is to take that kindergarten approach of learning through designing, creating, experimenting, exploring and extending it throughout all of school and throughout all of life.”
3 Things You Can Learn About Making Decisions From Jeff Bezos
“If you’re a creator or a maker of any kind, the creation is almost never going to feel perfect. Dwelling on the minor tweaks before sharing that work will eat up way more time than the yield of the potential improvements is worth. It’s far smarter to let go before you’re ready, and then iterate and improve based on the feedback.”
How To Avoid Workplace Policies That Kill Motivation
“For years, new hires at Nordstrom famously received a copy of the company’s employee ‘handbook.’ It was a single 5-by-8 card that read, ‘Rule #1: Use best judgment in all situations. There will be no additional rules.’”
Give Yourself Permission To Discover Your Genius
“Genius is empowering ourselves. Genius is when I let myself be so purely me — where I’ve chipped off the rest, where I’ve ripped off the dust and the mounds of hate and doubt that have stacked on me to remember that my spirit and your spirit is made of pure gold.”
5 Things Not To Do In Your Next Job Interview
“A good interview is a conversation, where both sides are engaged. The purpose is to discover if the position is a match. If the candidate asks no questions, it’s a red flag. It appears that either they aren’t interested, or believe they already know everything to know about the position.”
10 Ideas For The Interested This Week
“Even the losers get lucky sometimes.” — Tom Petty
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