“With a few tweaks, you’ll quickly drop through a wormhole placing you in the top 5–10 percent in your field. The challenge then becomes to move from there to the top — which movement is the real contest. Getting to the top 5–10 percent merely requires a change in lifestyle. Getting to the top 1 percent requires a fundamental change in your being.”
How To Eliminate Distractions And Strengthen Your Focus
“Our main finding in this study was that, interestingly, older adults [focus on] relevant information as well as 20-year-olds. Where older adults suffered a deficit was in suppressing the irrelevant information…We discovered that their main attentional issue was that they are more distractible than younger adults.”
How To Conquer Your Fear Like A High-Wire Artist
“Assemble weapons to destroy fear. Start by reacting to fright not by burying your head in the sand but by burying your mind in knowledge; then follow with specifics.”
To Live An Extraordinary Life, You Have To Give Up A Normal One
“People who prefer to live a ‘normal’ life don’t want to pay most of the costs of an extraordinary life.”
Career Advice For A 40-Year-Old From A 60-Year-Old
“Work is a team sport. You are not going to reach your objectives unless you help other people reach their objectives. Make time to make other people successful.”
How To Craft The Perfect Social Media Post
“Think about the purpose of your post before you add any hashtags. If you’re looking for this post to reach new audiences or trying to boost engagement, a hashtag or two can make sense. But if you’re looking for clicks from your existing audience, it could be best to not use hashtags at all.”
5 Ways To Become More Self-Aware
“Though it’s relatively common to see self-awareness as clarity about our inner workings (things like our values, our goals, and our ideal environment), true self-awareness also requires that we turn our gaze outward to understand how we are seen.”
The Problem Isn’t Fake News – It’s Trust And Manipulation
“Trust is the longer-term problem — decades- or even a century-long. But if we don’t grapple with the immediate and urgent problem of manipulation, those institutions may not live to reinvent themselves and earn the public’s trust back with greater inclusion, equity, transparency, responsiveness, and honesty.”
10 Ideas For The Interested This Week
“I’ll ride that wave where it takes me.” — Eddie Vedder
9 Habits That Make It Easy To Come Up With Great Ideas
It’s not hard to come up with a great idea.
What’s hard is to develop the habits that enable us to come up with great ideas.
The extent to which we incorporate these habits into our lives ultimately determines the quality of our ideas.
It’s not magic, it’s commitment.
Here are nine habits to improve your ability to generate valuable ideas.