“You should always wash your jeans inside-out, since washing and drying processes are abrasive and could cause them to fade.”
How Facebook Personality Quizzes Helped Trump Win
“Our smartphone is a vast psychological questionnaire that we are constantly filling out, both consciously and unconsciously.”
7 Things You Should Do Every Day After Work
“For the next 30 days, devote just 60 minutes of your time after work to the best opportunity in your life. Nothing else. Zero distractions.”
How To Get Your Co-Workers To Trust You
“Sharing a little piece of information about yourself is key to cultivating warmth, a concept that’s widely misunderstood: Warmth is distinct from friendliness or cheeriness…it’s about how easily you can convey to another person that the two of you have something meaningful in common.”
9 Things That Don’t Matter In Life As Much As You Think They Do
“It’s nice to create impact that changes the world when you are no longer there. But maybe things matter in a different way than we think. Maybe everything matters because nothing matters.”
A Reminder Of What We Have In Common
“It’s easy to put people in boxes. There’s us and there’s them.”
10 Ideas Worth Sharing This Week
“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.” – Isaac Newton
The $100 Startup Is Worth Recommending
Chris Guillebeau’s The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future is a great read that will inspire you and give you simple, actionable advice on how to start a business or project.
Even if you’re not looking to start a business, it’s worth a read to better learn how to frame your life in a way to get what makes you happy.
Trump Isn’t The Start Of An Era – He’s The End Of One
“In short order he will completely and irrevocably alienate all the growing political constituencies of the 21st century: the Millennial generation, people of color, educated professionals, women. He’ll eventually do the same for a significant number of more moderate Republicans. I think the backlash will be fast and furious.”
Persistence Is Undervalued
“In one experiment, they gave participants 10 minutes to come up with as many creative ideas as they could. Then, they surprised the participants with an extra 10 minutes to finish completing the task. People underestimated how many new ideas they would come up with during the extra 10 minutes…by 66%.”