Five Signs You Should Quit A Gig
“The best time to think through questions about ending a gig is before you take the gig.”
“The best time to think through questions about ending a gig is before you take the gig.”
“Borrow, be ridiculous on occasion, and be yourself. This is one medium where it can pay 100-fold to simply be you: warts, weirdness, and all.”
“The people chasing fame and money rarely wind up successful. It’s the people who earnestly set out to change something and make a difference through their proj...
A template to save you time.
“Powerful cultures are built around what he calls ‘shocking rules’ — rituals and practices that are memorable, so ‘bizarre,’ that people inside the organization...
“The most important decision we make is the market that we choose to serve.”
“The end of a job doesn’t mean, shouldn’t be, and isn’t the end of your life.”
“The world is so crazy busy, there’s so much going on, there are so many distractions…what is going to make somebody who has a few precious sp...
“The ability to turn an opportunity into momentum, and momentum into longevity is what separates artists who have a ‘moment’ from those that h...
“After doing the exercises, the team gets a common language to describe what their company is about — and all subsequent squishy decisions about visuals, ...