25 Newsletters That Inspire, Educate, And Entertain
I consume a LOT of content. In the process of putting together my For The Interested newsletter each week, I’ve found the most interesting stuff comes from an a...
I consume a LOT of content. In the process of putting together my For The Interested newsletter each week, I’ve found the most interesting stuff comes from an a...
We’re never going to know. We’re never going to know the answers. We’re never going to know the future. We’re never going to know what’s right.
Phoenix. The late 1970s. A boy grows up in an entertainment obsessed family. Spends countless hours watching movies and TV shows with his parents, siblings, and...
Everything’s negotiable, but not everything should be negotiated. Too often negotiations become about winners and losers when that’s not the point. Both sides r...
To be more productive, we have to be more intentional. The more we take ownership of our decisions, the more we get out of them. With that in mind, here are six...
1. Use short-term rewards instead of long-term rewards as incentives. “If you’re offering rewards for a specific action from your customer, do you reward them s...
My writing attracted 124,381 views on Medium in the last 30 days. That’s amazing and made me pause to consider how it happened. The attention I earned was a res...
I like to have control. Of my time, my work, and my future. But control is an illusion — and so is our lack of it.
There are two types of people in the world — the Interested and the Uninterested.
People tell me I’m confident.