“The Facebook algorithm immediately thinks that because my mom liked it, it must be a family related piece of content — even if it’s obviously about theoretical math, a subject in which my mom has no interest or knowledge.”
The Real Reason You Can’t Concentrate
“We’re not a distracted generation, but we are distracted when we’re using a web browser.”
How To Improve Your Day By Setting Anti-Goals
“A lot of success in life and business comes from knowing what you want to avoid: early death, a bad marriage, etc.”
A 4-Step Formula To Generate Unique Ideas To Write About
“Combine ideas from your product with an idea from your general knowledge. Combining those two existing ideas results in creativity — a brand new idea.”
The Advice We Give Kids About Success Prevents Them From Being Happy
“It’s certainly good for children to have goals they’re working toward. But instead of always encouraging them to focus on what’s next on their to-do list, help them stay focused on the task or conversation at hand.”
How To Think Like A Hustler Instead Of A Sucker
“Chumps prefer a beautiful lie to an ugly truth. The sucker wants to believe certain things about life and so projects these wishes on to the real world, seeing what he wants to see, not what is. A hustler thrives on reality, ugly or unpleasant — finds his poetry in the real. He sees the whole table and plays it as it lays.”
What Creative Pros Wish They Knew During Previous Decades Of Their Career
“The pressure to do things quickly or have success happen right away is ingrained in our culture of instant-gratification, but really your real life is so long.”
10 Ideas For The Interested This Week
“Genius can come from anywhere.” — Jimmy Iovine
How To Deal With Failure Like J.K. Rowling
“The act of falling to the ground comes with a strange and unintended side-effect. Liberation. With nothing more to lose, we have a foundation and this foundation limits downside.”
3 Things Marketers Can Learn From The Rise Of Netflix And The Fall Of Blockbuster
“There were several factors that contributed to the company’s downfall, including not understanding what business they were really in — entertainment, not retail — and not being flexible enough to adapt.”