“It’s helped me on everything from the computer deleting the draft of a book I’m working on, to being in a horrible accident, to the minor inconveniences of life — the guy who’s going too slow in front of you in traffic, the person who’s rude to you at work, the boss who doesn’t appreciate you. These are not good things, but they’re not bad things either. They’re just opportunities.”
It’s OK To Write What People Want To Read
“Writing with readers in mind does not make you a sellout. It makes you a professional.”
14 Life Lessons College Students Should Be Taught
“Think in terms of systems over goals. A goal would be: How do I accumulate $1 million? A system would be: How do I put processes in place to become wealthier over time?”
How We Deceive Ourselves In Order To Deceive Others
“A glowing self-view makes others see us in the same light, leading to mating and cooperative opportunities.”
How To Take A Perfect Profile Picture
“The results are in — we find it more attractive when people fully face the camera. This is especially important for men. Why? Fronting is a nonverbal sign of respect. When you are really engaged with someone you align your entire body with theirs.”
How To Judge Someone’s Character By Asking Them One Question
“A powerful hack for evaluating other people’s character — if you want to know if they themselves display a trait, just find a way to ask how common they think it is in others. The more of a quality they see around them, the more they probably possess themselves.”
10 Creations Worth Recommending This Week
If you’re one of The Interested, here are a few creations I discovered this week I think you’ll dig.
10 Ideas Worth Sharing This Week
“When you’re different, you can last.” — Don Rickles
8 Ways To Improve Your Focus
This post doesn’t need an intro.
You know focus is important (that’s why you clicked to read it) so let’s focus on what matters — how to get better at it.
How To Figure Your Life Out
Our lives are the choices we make — and those choices aren’t always obvious.
Luckily, there are signs all around us showing us what we need to do, where we need to go, and guiding us in the right direction.
But in order to figure our lives out, we have to pay attention.
We have to pay attention to the inputs that surround us and decipher the messages they have for us.
Here are a few things worth more of our attention.