
How To See Obstacles As Opportunities

“It’s helped me on everything from the computer deleting the draft of a book I’m working on, to being in a horrible accident, to the minor inconveniences of life — the guy who’s going too slow in front of you in traffic, the person who’s rude to you at work, the boss who doesn’t appreciate you. These are not good things, but they’re not bad things either. They’re just opportunities.”

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How To Figure Your Life Out

Our lives are the choices we make — and those choices aren’t always obvious.

Luckily, there are signs all around us showing us what we need to do, where we need to go, and guiding us in the right direction.

But in order to figure our lives out, we have to pay attention.

We have to pay attention to the inputs that surround us and decipher the messages they have for us.

Here are a few things worth more of our attention.

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