For The Interested - Page 192 of 306 - Learn. Do. Become.

It’s Never Too Late to Hit Your Career Peak

“A study published in Nature found that about 90 percent of people will experience a ‘hot streak’ in their career, which is that span of a few years when a person’s greatest, most effective work is produced. And — here’s the good part — your hot streak can appear at any point in your working life, meaning that it’s never too late (or too early) to hit your peak.”

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How to Become a Time Realist

“Time realists look at a task and break down the math of it. They’re conscious of how long things take, and they factor that in to their plans for the day. Time optimists, by comparison, are just that: hopeful about things they would like to do. It leads to them to overstuff their days and become frustrated when their list of to-dos doesn’t get completed.”

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