
How We’re Losing The Information War

“The information networks we’ve built are almost perfectly designed to exploit psychological vulnerabilities to rumor. Your brain tells you ‘Hey, I got this from three different sources.’ But you don’t realize it all traces back to the same place, and might have even reached you via bots posing as real people. If we think of this as a virus, I wouldn’t know how to vaccinate for it.”

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You Have A Competitive Advantage – Here’s How To Find It

You have a competitive advantage. But do you know what it is?

Lots of people don’t.

There are reasons for people to choose you and your work over other available options and the better you understand these reasons, the more likely you are to succeed.

Your ability to leverage competitive advantages is a key to attracting customers, fans, and success.

To figure out what advantages you may have, ask yourself these eight questions.

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How To Become Insanely Well Connected

“If you want to connect with someone professionally to move your goals forward, you need to know exactly why you care about that person or their company. And you need to know how to articulate it succinctly. Everyone seems to have a story about a cold call miraculously turning into a career-making breakthrough. This doesn’t happen by magic. It happens because your sincerity is clearly powered by diligent preparation.”

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