“Don’t be tricked into thinking that movie-ranking sites give some kind of objective rating on how good a film is. All three of the above sites are skewed pretty heavily towards the opinions of men.”
The Most Important Skill to Develop Is Intellectual Discipline
“Children are going to have to learn something that I didn’t have to learn as much which is discipline, intellectual discipline — the ability to say no. There was no choice if I went to a store. The world my children are growing up in is exactly the opposite: An explosion of choice, an explosion of options, an explosion of opportunity.”
How to Take a Moment to Actually Enjoy Your Success
“This mental time-travel allows you to view your achievements in the context of past expectations.”
How Independent Book Stores Have Thrived in Spite of Amazon
“While pressure from Amazon forced Borders out of business in 2011, indie bookstores staged an unexpected comeback. Between 2009 and 2015, the ABA reported a 35 percent growth in the number of independent booksellers, from 1,651 stores to 2,227.”
Seven Investments to Make in Yourself
“Decide you’ll never feel guilty again. Successful people don’t feel guilty. Successful people are entitled and believe they deserve.”
How to Show Appreciation to Your Co-Workers
“While 50% of people express gratitude to their immediate family on a daily basis, only 15% of people do so with their colleagues. In fact, the workplace ranked as the very last place where people are regularly inclined to say thank you. (Even mail carriers ranked higher.)”
22 Ways for Creatives to Increase Their Health, Wealth, and Wisdom
“If you’re going to practice becoming more creative, get ready to be viewed as an idiot by the insane. Think of it as a badge of honor.”
How to Remember Information Without Writing It Down — Like a Spy Does
“By placing the element that you need to remember in an area on a circuit that you know well, you are fixing that unknown element to something known, and are embedding the element in your memory.”
The Ultimate Financial Advice for 30-Year-Olds
“Doing okay and being wealthy are two very, very different things. If you’re after the latter, then you need to live as far below your means as possible.”
The Eight Friends You Need in Your Life
“Mind Openers are the friends who expand your horizons and encourage you to embrace new ideas, opportunities, cultures, and people. They challenge you to think in innovative ways and help you create positive change.”